We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with medical care

Our tailored screening programs provide patients with peace of mind when it comes to health management.


Our Major Services

Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy

We do Coblation & Microdebrider assisted Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy in children of all ages. This method is precise and minimizes blood loss during surgery. Adults we prefer to do Tonsillectomy by conventional Cold Steel technique. The procedure can be easily done under Local and General Anesthesia.

Thyroid Surgery

A surgeon with greater experience in thyroid surgery will be more familiar with the normal anatomy and will easily recognize and deal with any irregularities such as neck lumps. A number of technological advancements have been made in thyroid surgery and should be incorporated into the procedure, where appropriate.


Childhood snoring is a serious problem and should not be ignored. Snoring is a symptom of obstructed airway, commonest cause being enlarged Tonsils and Adenoid in children. However innocuous they seem, they have long term impact like, Growth Retardation, Adenoid Facies, early onset of hypertension, repeated ear infection and many more.

Sinus Surgery

Issues with the sinuses can be very debilitating and can interfere with daily activities. Many conditions can be resolved with medications and in-office procedures.

Hearing test for your Child

Be Assured of your Child’s Hearing! OAE (Oto-acoustic Emission), a very Sensitive & Non-invasive automated hearing test, which is capable of picking up even minimal hearing loss due to variety or reasons. Can be performed on Newborn & very young Children. This test is performed by our experienced audiologist/s.

Allergy Test

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